Friday, August 28, 2015

“My Thoughts on Public Comments.”

  • How would you describe the fears and anxieties being expressed in these comments? What are these commenters afraid of, specifically?
It seems like a lot of the fears and anxieties of the commenters were about things coming into our country. Whether that be imports or illegal immigrants, from Mexico more specifically.
  • What kinds beliefs and values are represented in these comments? How would you characterize the kinds of values and beliefs being expressed in the comments?
Most people wanted to rebuild the American Dream in our country, by bringing jobs here and having new industrial revolution.
  • Which commenters came across as the most reasonable? What made them seem reasonable?
I would say the first commenter came off as the most reasonable but submitted the comment as anonymous.
  • Which commenters came across as lacking credibility or trustworthiness? Why didn’t they seem trustworthy?
I would say Mike came off as the least credible due to the fact that his comment was filled with insults and no solid hard statements or facts. When you are too passionate about a subject and submit your own personal opinion instead of representing both sides, you lose some credibility.

After reading other classmates thoughts on public comments, I learned that they generally think just as I do. We agreed on how people who are unbiased come off as more trustworthy and how generally, people who know nothing about a certain subject are very prominent in getting their own view/point across.

"1.10 UC Irvine Removes American Flag "
The students of UC Irvine voted to remove all flags from the campus due to their "offensive nature". The bill, R50-70, by Matthew Guevara, explains how all flags are symbols of patriotism and weapons of nationalism, singling out the American flag. A quote from the bill reads that "Flags construct paradigms of conformity and sets homogenized standards for others to obtain which in this country typically are idolized as freedom, equality, and democracy". This article was found on

"1.9 Calendar Reflection"

After completing my weekly calendar, I can now see that I am a very busy individual. With school, work, and rugby, I am constantly on the go. Having work on the weekends and rugby during the week will make getting homework done a little challenging...but not impossible. I have managed to allow myself 25 hours/time slots to do homework per week for all of my classes. With that amount of homework time, I should be able to keep my grades at a reasonable percentage. Now it is up to me and how much work I actually get done during those time slots or if I even follow through with it at all, since I am an extreme procrastinator. I do not think I will need all that time allowed by myself to complete all of my homework but it is nice to have it.

After reading and commenting on others posts, I don't feel as worried about the time I have allowed myself. It seems like I am pretty much the average when it comes to time per week dedicated to homework. At first, I thought that I had too much time but after seeing others posts, I now know that is not the case. I reviewed and commented on Oscar Acosta's blog and Deb Ortega's blog.