Friday, August 28, 2015

“My Thoughts on Public Comments.”

  • How would you describe the fears and anxieties being expressed in these comments? What are these commenters afraid of, specifically?
It seems like a lot of the fears and anxieties of the commenters were about things coming into our country. Whether that be imports or illegal immigrants, from Mexico more specifically.
  • What kinds beliefs and values are represented in these comments? How would you characterize the kinds of values and beliefs being expressed in the comments?
Most people wanted to rebuild the American Dream in our country, by bringing jobs here and having new industrial revolution.
  • Which commenters came across as the most reasonable? What made them seem reasonable?
I would say the first commenter came off as the most reasonable but submitted the comment as anonymous.
  • Which commenters came across as lacking credibility or trustworthiness? Why didn’t they seem trustworthy?
I would say Mike came off as the least credible due to the fact that his comment was filled with insults and no solid hard statements or facts. When you are too passionate about a subject and submit your own personal opinion instead of representing both sides, you lose some credibility.

After reading other classmates thoughts on public comments, I learned that they generally think just as I do. We agreed on how people who are unbiased come off as more trustworthy and how generally, people who know nothing about a certain subject are very prominent in getting their own view/point across.

1 comment:

  1. I would agree to not jumping to one side or another and that going with what you believe and think is right is what you should go with. I just happen to think what Trump is saying is right.
