Sunday, November 15, 2015

12.2 Punctuation, Part 1"

Unnecessary Comma: I have been told, time and time again, that I use unnecessary commas frequently. So I obviously chose this topic. It helped a bit, showing when and when not to use a comma.

Comma: I thought I could use a little more work on my comma usage, so I chose this topic. It again helped by showing how to specifically use a comma properly.

Reflection: I noticed a couple other students had also chosen to use comma and unnecessary comma as their topics. So it helped a little bit more, when reading other students posts.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

"11.4 Paraphrasing a Source"

Original Source:

"In an open letter written earlier this month, Snyder said, "I respect the opinions of those who disagree. I want them to know that I do hear them, and I will continue to listen and learn. But we cannot ignore our 81 year history, or the strong feelings of most of our fans as well as Native Americans throughout the country. After 81 years, the team name ‘Redskins' continues to hold the memories and meaning of where we came from, who we are, and who we want to be in the years to come."

Should Washington's Football Team Change Its Name?

My Paraphrase:

Washington Redskin's owner, Dan Snyder has refused to change the name of his team. According to a letter written by Snyder, he is aware of the opinions if the Native Americans throughout the country and it respectful to those opinions. However, Snyder fears losing the 81 year tradition and culture of his team. "After 81 years, the team name ‘Redskins' continues to hold the memories and meaning of where we came from, who we are, and who we want to be in the years to come." (Snyder, U.S. News)

"11.3 Outlining My Public Argument"

I chose to use "Connect the Issue to Your Audience's World View." I thought it would be the most appropriate for my topic. I will briefly discuss the controversy and provide an overview. Then I will give the points of both the opposition and my side. Then state a strong stance within the controversy and try to sway readers to reevaluate their own personal stance on the controversy. In my body paragraphs, I will go over my view in more detail and provide background of the team name. Then show some examples of others who share the same view as me. In my conclusion, I chose "Positive Consequences". I will describe the possible consequences of my view point and offer a compromise, ending with a brief summary of the controversy.

"10.7 Considering Types"

I have chosen to write a position argument for this topic. I think it would be the best fit due to the fact that I will de talking about/defending my own position on the Redskins name. I do not think causal, evaluative, or refutation arguments would work for this. However, I did think about writing a proposal argument since I am thinking about proposing a compromise in my argument.

"10.5 Analyzing Context"

1. Its about respect for another's culture and trying not to offend them. How to argue this issue without offending anyone is a big school of thought.

2. A major point for disagreements would be that the name, Redskins, is offensive to Native Americans.

3. I think both sides could argue that the name, Redskins, does involve the Native American people. Whether it is to offend or honor is up to each individual.

4. There are a few differences, mainly whether if the name is offensive or not. One group of people believe that the name should not be changed and does not in anyway offend Native Americans. While the other group believes it should be changed due to its offensive manner.

5. None of the articles that I have read has involved a compromise. Which is something  I am leaning towards including into my argument. It seems like that may be the only solution to this debate.

6. My perspective is that the original owners named the team to honor a coach, who was Native American. Also I would like to bring up the fact that the team name has been the same for years and years, so why raise an issue about it now?

7. The greatest threat to my argument, hands down, would be that the name is offensive. My goal is to show that the name is not offensive.

"10.4 Analyzing Purpose"

1. The goal for my argument is to convince readers that the Redskins football organization does not need to change their name. I would like to change people's opinion on the subject and show that the name is not as offensive as many think.
2. I think a likely result of my argument is people rethinking their stance. I think an unlikely result is people changing their view solely off of my writing. I am trying to open up people's minds/views on the subject.
 3. A major consequence that could come from my argument is offending Native Americans. Obviously, offending anyone is not my purpose. I just want people to be aware of the meaning behind the name, Redskins.
4. I think my audience could be range of many different people. People involved/interested in business and sports would be the main two groups but I think there could be others as well. It seems like this issue has been blown out of proportion, thus making every day citizens interested in the matter.

"10.3 Learning for Project #3"

There is a lot  to be learned from the assignment prompt/guidelines and readings . I think the biggest thing was learning the steps and guidelines for this next project.