Sunday, November 8, 2015

"10.4 Analyzing Purpose"

1. The goal for my argument is to convince readers that the Redskins football organization does not need to change their name. I would like to change people's opinion on the subject and show that the name is not as offensive as many think.
2. I think a likely result of my argument is people rethinking their stance. I think an unlikely result is people changing their view solely off of my writing. I am trying to open up people's minds/views on the subject.
 3. A major consequence that could come from my argument is offending Native Americans. Obviously, offending anyone is not my purpose. I just want people to be aware of the meaning behind the name, Redskins.
4. I think my audience could be range of many different people. People involved/interested in business and sports would be the main two groups but I think there could be others as well. It seems like this issue has been blown out of proportion, thus making every day citizens interested in the matter.

1 comment:

  1. Although I personally disagree with your side of the argument I think that the way in which you plan to present your argument will be effected. I like that you stated that your weren't looking to change peoples opinion but rather open their minds to a different point of view.
