Tuesday, September 29, 2015

"5.7 Developing a Research Question"

I will be analyzing the first GOP debate.

1. What are some of their views?
2. How did they're speech effect the crowd?
3. Who is the popular candidate?

"5.6 Reflection of Project 1"

1. My main problem is finding the time to actually get the project done and not procrastinate the very little time I have available.
2. I think I found success with finding so much information on my topic. The internet has so much info on this certain topic.
3. I just put the arguments and points that both sides had made, usually through quotes.
4. This project was similar to a argumentative paper I had to write in high school, discussing both sides of a certain social issue.
5. This project required a lot more pre-writing than the past project I referenced.
6. The project obviously helps students with writing skills, which is useful in any discipline.

Project #1


"5.3 Identifying Basic Grammar Patterns"

After doing this, it has become clear that I need to focus on some grammatical elements.


Saturday, September 19, 2015

"4.10 Paragraph Analysis"

I learned that I am at a good starting point but there are things I could do to make my draft better. I think my strength is staying on point but I could use some help transitioning and I need to add more arguments within the paragraphs.

“Copy for Paragraph Analysis”

"4.8 Reflection on Project 1 Draft"

I reviewed Christopher Gentry's.  Chris had a very good draft, using good in-text citations, properly acknowledging his audience, and providing good context throughout the draft. It showed me what I proper draft should look like, organization and context wise. The only thing I could comment on was that he didn't have headings for the sections, which I saw a lot in the examples of QRG's.

"4.3 Thoughts on Drafting"

The key to having a goof QRG, is having an attention grabbing thesis statement and interesting introduction. It is also important to keep a nice compact/organized look to your QRG. The purpose of a QRG is to be quick and informative so stay away from lengthy paragraphs as well.

I reviewed Cynthia Ramirez and Steve Duron. I agreed with everything that they both said and I actually said very similar things in my post.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

"3.15 Draft of QRG"

Hello Classmates,
I chose to write about the Washington Redskin's Controversy. I would really like your thoughts and comments, not so much on the topic itself, but on my writing/formatting/etc. Thank you!


I've completed revising my draft, based on the suggestions left on the original. Please look for anything you think can help my draft.

"3.7 QRGs: the Genre "

1. I would say the convention of this genre is to give a brief explanation of the given topic.
2. It's in many short paragraphs, to give a brief explanation on a wide subject.
3. The purpose seems to be to inform the readers
4. I would say the audience is anyone who is interested in the subject and wants to get a bit of information in a timely manner.
5. They use visuals very well, whether its to express a feeling or emotion, make the reader feel a certain way, or just to give a visual representation.

I see that majority of people wrote the same ideas that I had. My classmates and I pretty much had the same understanding of QRG;s.

I commented on Anthony Saito and Cynthia Ramirez.

3.5 Cluster of Redskins Controversy"

In my cluster, I incorporated all of the major players in the controversy. I also showed subgroups within the cluster. Example: NFL (as a league) to the NFL fan base.

I learned that I was not the only one who had trouble making their cluster clear and easy to read. I did see some classmates with very clear clusters.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

“2.17 Annotated Bibliography in APA Style.”

Clarkson, G. (n.d.). Racial Imagery and Native Americans. Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law, 11, 393-393.

Pace, K. (n.d.). Washington Redskins Case and the Doctrine of Disparagement. Pepperdine Law Review, 22, 7-7.

Waldron, T. (n.d.). Federal Judge Delivers Another Legal Blow To 'Redskins' Team Name. Retrieved September 5, 2015.

Waldron, T. (n.d.). California Advances Bill To Ban 'Redskins' Name. Retrieved September 5, 2015.

After looking at classmates posts, I realize I may not have completed this portion properly. I did not put the purpose of the article, as most students did.

 ESPN Outside the Lines Redskins Debate w/ Gyasi Ross and Dave Zirin. (n.d.). Retrieved September 17, 2015.
The purpose for this video was to have a debate on the topic. They got two people, who have different views on the subject to sit down and debate. I noticed both sides were trying to be respectful to each other and their views since it is a sensitive subject.

MOD POST: REDSKINS NAME CHANGE CONTROVERSY. AKA: STOP IT. • /r/Redskins. (n.d.). Retrieved September 17, 2015.
The purpose was to try to lessen the intensity of the subject. The author tries to be even keeled and tries to lessen the tension between the two opposing commenters.

Waldron, T. (n.d.). Federal Judge Delivers Another Legal Blow To 'Redskins' Team Name. Retrieved September 17, 2015.

The purpose of this article was to inform the readers on the process of getting the team name changed.

“2.13 Ideology in My Controversy.”

There are many people involved in the Washington Redskins Re-Branding Controversy. Players, fans, news reporters, Indian tribes, and the Redskin's management all are voicing their own opinion, in what seems like a never ending fight to change the logo/team name. Some of the major players in this controversy are Mike Wise (columnist for the Washington Post), Dan Steinberg (Author of the DC Sports Blog), Mike Florio (NBC's ProFootballTalk.com), and the Oneida Indian Nation (an Iroquois tribe indigenous to New York). All of these major players are for the re-branding of the team's name and logo. I would say all of these major players have a lot of power based on their following, but I think the most important player would have to be the Oneida Indian Nation. A key player on the opposite side would be Washington Redskin's General Manager, Dan Snyder. Dan Snyder, along with the partnering owners, are the ones who have publically denied the requests to change the team name and logo. I would say these people might actually hold the most power due to the fact that they alone have the power to change the team name/logo. It does not seem that these two sides/groups are listening to each other at all. Hence, the never ending argument for the re-branding of the team's logo/name.

Friday, September 4, 2015

“2.11 Evaluation of Social Media Sources.”

Credibility: My sources are from the Huffington Post and TYTSPORTS. Both these posts were not made by an individual, but by that companies or organizations twitter page.
Location: Neither of the posts have a visible location.
Network: They posted these articles on twitter and seem to be followed by others in their given field. Huffington Post is associated with other news companies, while TYTSPORTS is associated with other sports companies, such as ESPN.
Content: The posts do not cite any other sources, but have links to their own webpage with the full article.
Contextual Updates: Both of these sources post about subjects in their field, they do not solely focus on this one subject.
Age: The accounts have posted quite a bit so I would not say that they are new accounts.
Reliability: I would consider both of these sources to be reliable ones.

“2.8 Evaluation of Scholarly Sources.”

Both of my scholarly sources are from the same website, heinonline.org. Both of these articles purpose is to inform and persuade the readers into calling for the change of the Washington Redskins team name and logo. Both of these journals are posted into the Law Journal Library on heinonline.org. The first journal was in the Pepperdine Law Review, while the other was published in the Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law. Both sources have incredible sources, such as, Georgetown University Law Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University, Harvard Law School, and Rice University. The authors of the journals are Gavin Clarkson and Kimberly A. Pace. I would say the intended audience is some sort of legal committee who is in charge or has the power to order the Redskin's to change their name. I found it by using Google Scholar.

“2.6 Evaluation of General Sources.”

I choose to do research on the Washington Redskins controversy to change their team name. I have two sources, one from theguardian.com and the other from the huffingtonpost.com. Both display some great information but are very different in their own way.

URL: Both of these sources end in a .com. I guess that is fine but to me a more credible ending would be .edu, .org, or .gov.

Author: The Guardian and the Huffington Post both offer the names of that articles author, but the Guardian offers a quick bio when you click on his name, which the Huffington Post does not. The bio from the Guardian reads: "Timothy Spangler writes a weekly syndicated column on international affairs distributed by Creators. He also writes the Law of the Market blog for Forbes and is the section editor for business and finance at the Los Angeles Review of Books."

Last Updated: The Guardian was last updated June 26th, 2014. While the Huffington post was updated July 8th, 2015. Both websites links are all still relevant and work.

Purpose: Both of the sources seem to be purposed to inform the reader. Neither really promote any product or idea. They are actually pretty unbiased as well, presenting the arguments of both sides pretty fairly.

Graphics: There is only one graphic on both of these sources, and that graphic is the Washington Redskins helmet and logo. I think they are showing you what is being discussed and I don't think that they are trying to do anything by using that graphic.

Position on Subject: Like I said previously, the sources are very unbiased. They both present the arguments and facts of both sides. The purpose of the articles are to inform the reader and allow the reader to choose a side.

Links: The Guardian has links to other articles on their website that seem unrelated, while the Huffington Post has more relevant links to the subject.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

"2.3 My Discipline"

1. Students, in my program, learn how to be successful in today's world of business. The program covers a wide range of topics, from economics to ethics and different business practices.
2. People with business degrees generally go on to work for a business, as corny as that sounds. It's true! Most of the students in my program have goals of working for a huge company and I would say that they probably get a little disappointed when they graduate because like any company, you have to start at the bottom and work your way up.
3. What drew me into business is solely because I cannot stand working for someone or taking orders from someone. It's just not who I am as a person. For me, I need to be in a leadership position that holds some power at all times, so the chance of owning my own company and being my own boss really excites me.
4. Well I am in business but I am more focused on sports business. So I would say a leader in sports business would have to be Jerry Colangelo. Colangelo took over the Phoenix Sun's in 1968 and brought the MLB to Phoenix as well, with the creation of the Diamondbacks. Colangelo also helped bring the Phoenix Coyotes and the Phoenix Mercury to the valley of the Sun. Currently he is the president of USA Basketball and is a real idol of mine.
5. A lot of the top journals in business come from the same publisher, the Academy of Management. So I'll pick different ones that way they aren't all from the same publisher. First, the top journal in business is the Academy of Management Journal published by the Academy of Management. Second, we have the Administrative Science Quarterly published by Cornell University. Finally, we have the American Economic Review published by American Economic Association.

After reading classmates goals and aspirations, it made me feel inadequate. Not knowing exactly what I want to do with my life. It is really interesting how people have a passion and drive for certain things.

“1.8 My Writing Process.”

The type of writer, that I would consider myself to be, is a procrastinator. My writing process would also have to include being a heavy reviser. I have to write all of my ideas out on my first draft and then go back an edit the paper so that it makes more sense to readers. I would say that my writing process is both successful and unsuccessful. Whenever I do not procrastinate, I seem to be receiving higher grades due to the excess amount of time to revise my paper. However, that is not the case very often. I usually tend to forget about assignments or get too lazy to do them and have to rush last minute. I think it would be beneficial for me to not procrastinate and just continue to be a heavy revise

ClkerFreeVectorImages, "Winter Sleep Hibernation"

After reading comments on my own posts and leaving a few on others, I have a new perspective on the type of writer that I am. I always thought of being a procrastinator as a bad thing, but honestly its quite impressive that procrastinators can get their work done in a shortened amount of time. I commented on Liz Kinney's blog and  Krissandra McNeill's blog