Saturday, October 10, 2015

“7.4 Draft Thesis Statements.”

1. Donald Trump undermines his fellow candidates, without very many credible sources and/or statistics.
2. Donald Trump replies on tricks to gaining the popular vote among U.S. citizens.
3. Donald Trump undermines his opponents by continuously talks about his business success, claiming the other candidates cannot run his businesses the way he can.

This was kind of tough, I don't know if my examples are good. I just want it to be the best that it can be but doing so is sort of difficult. Obviously the thesis is not final, it will be revised and finalized as we progress through the project.


  1. In my opinion, your first thesis statement seemed like it would be the best. The first statement paved way for a greater amount of information you could talk about.

  2. Reading your thesis statement I liked #2 and how it talks about Mr. Trumps scheming ways to win his way to the top.

  3. I believe that your thesis statements need more work. They are not descriptive enough.They are too short. But if I had to choose one, I would say use Thesis sentence #3.
